Αρχιτεκτονική ξενάγηση στην Παλιά Ξάνθη
Η διαδρομή έχει μήκος περίπου 1 χλμ., διάρκεια 60 λεπτών περίπου και είναι μικρής δυσκολίας. Καλύπτει μεγάλη έκταση της παλιάς πόλης, ξεκινώντας από το Κονάκι του Μπέη και καταλήγοντας στην πλατεία Ματσίνη. Σε αυτήν ο επισκέπτης θα γνωρίσει εκτενώς την αρχιτεκτονική της παλιάς Ξάνθης.

Περπατώντας ανάμεσα στα σοκάκια της παλιάς Ξάνθης θα παρατηρήσει τα μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά που φέρουν τα διάφορα κτίρια: αρχοντικά, κονάκια και οικίες, καταστήματα, σχολεία, εκκλησίες και το μητροπολιτικό μέγαρο, χάνια, κτίρια κοινοτικού χαρακτήρα, τζαμιά κ.ά. Επίσης, θα παρατηρήσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ενσωματώνονται όλα αυτά στον πολεοδομικό ιστό της πόλης και θα μυηθεί στα αρχιτεκτονικά ρεύματα του νεοκλασικισμού, του εκλεκτικισμού και της παραδοσιακής αρχιτεκτονικής, όπως εκφράστηκαν στα διάφορα κτίρια της παλιάς πόλης.

23. Antikas Square – Gabriel Ladas Square

Brief documentation:

The official name of the square is Gabriel Ladas Square and it was named in honor of the homonymous former Mayor of the city (1959-1964). This square, however, is known to the people of Xanthi as Antikas Square.
This square is a meeting and entertainment point at the beginning of the old town of Xanthi. During the last decades of the 19th century it was called Balık Pazar (meaning fish market). It was formed as a square in the late 1960s.
It was named after Ioannis Efstratiou, also known as Yiangos Antikas, who had his barber shop in the square and was particularly loved by the youth.
Antikas was born in 1882 and was a patriot in Xanthi during the Bulgarian occupation, showing self-denial and love for the place. He died in 1913 under the torture of Bulgarian Danev because he refused to betray Greek patriots. These Greeks had killed in front of the barber shop of Antikas, before the beginning of the Bulgarian occupation, the Bulgarian Hadjigeorgiev who had allegedly come to the city to organize a Bulgarian committee in the area.
Antikas Square is a central point of the old town of Xanthi and a predominantly commercial area.
The bust of Antikas in the square was constructed in 1968.

Category of thematic interest:  ARCHITECTURAL / HISTORICAL INTEREST


The official name of the square is Gabriel Ladas Square and it was named in honor of the homonymous former Mayor of the city (1959-1964). This square, however, is known to the people of Xanthi as Antikas Square.
This square is a meeting and entertainment point at the beginning of the old town of Xanthi. During the last decades of the 19th century it was called Balık Pazar (meaning fish market). It was formed as a square in the late 1960s.
It was named after Ioannis Efstratiou, also known as Yiangos Antikas, who had his barber shop in the square and was particularly loved by the youth.
Antikas was born in 1882 and was a patriot in Xanthi during the Bulgarian occupation, showing self-denial and love for the place. He died in 1913 under the torture of Bulgarian Danev because he refused to betray Greek patriots. These Greeks had killed in front of the barber shop of Antika, before the beginning of the Bulgarian occupation, the Bulgarian Hadjigeorgiev who had allegedly come to the city to organize a Bulgarian committee in the area.

Elements of architecture:

Antikas Square is a central point of the old town of Xanthi and a predominantly commercial area.

Description of other elements:

The bust of Antikas in the square was constructed in 1968.

Purpose - Use: Public space

Characterization: Government Gazette 612B/30-4-1976 and Government Gazette 661/Β/17-5-1976, Government Gazette 1097/14.12-1995

Dating (period): Second half of the 1960s

Year of construction: Second half of the 1960s

Location of the monument: 41.1419648319607, 24.887343456494108

Bibliographic references:

•    Ladas Gabriel, "The martyrdom of Yankos Antikas as it is narrated by old Xanthians. Mr. Gabriel Ladas", Thracian Chronicles, vol. 29 (1972), pp. 27-28 

 Address: Gabriel Ladas Square

Visitable: Yes


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