In the neighborhoods of Agios Vlasios and Agios Georgios
The route is about 2 km long, lasts about 60 minutes and is of moderate difficulty. In it, the visitor will discover the influence of the Greek Orthodox community on the urban fabric of old Xanthi.

Focusing on the two Orthodox churches of Agios Vlasios and Agios Georgios, two homonymous districts were developed, with buildings of rich tobacco merchants, who benefited the two churches respectively. These neighborhoods were inhabited by members of the rising class of tobacco merchants, who built large mansions such as the Michaloglou Mansions, the Karabetsis Mansion with its painted exterior decoration and the majestic Mansion of Hilmi Pasha.

The development of these districts around religious and at the same time social centers, in a multicultural regime, led to the diverse urban landscape that the visitor will encounter. The route starts from shops that existed in the commercial part of these districts, passes by mansions, such as the mansion of Hamdi Bey, and ends by highlighting various points around G. Ladas or Antikas Square.
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